Who We Are
Independent Office Installations was established in 1988. We have many clients throughout CT, NY, NJ, RI and MA areas who do business with us on a regular basis. That’s because we pride ourselves on completing each job in a timely, professional manner. Whether it’s a small furniture installation or a large corporate relocation, we have the qualified staff to help you coordinate and execute your project to your customer’s satisfaction.
Our foreman all have at least 15-20 years of experience installing all major lines of furniture. They will assure that each project is completed to your customer’s satisfaction from start to finish. Our installers are all highly skilled, most with at least 5-10 years of experience and all conduct themselves in a professional manner.
Our Staff
Mike Greenspun
Meet the owner and president. He has been in the office furniture business since 1982. Mike takes care of all of the job quotes and scheduling. His email address is mikeioi@snet.net.
Scott Choma
Meet the warehouse manager. He has been in the office furniture business since 1990. Scott coordinates all product coming in and going out of the warehouse. He can be contacted at: scottioi@snet.net.
Jessica Benson and Diane Steinke
They handle all of the office matters such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, and all other clerical issues. Jessica’s email address is officemanagerioi@snet.net and Diane’s email is dianeioi@snet.net.